Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Eminem-must be the ganja

Eminem-must be the ganja




Eminem-must be the ganja

Video Clips. Duration : 5.65 Mins.

Eminem-must be the ganja
Yea, (oh, oh), yea yea, oh I feel like dancing I feel like dancing I smell something in the air that's making me (high) I said I smell something in the air that's making me high OK here we go, do-re-mi-fa-so, I'm so la-di-da so Lyrical rise flow, give back the tobasco You mother fuckers mustsanot know the tic tac songs Time to show you the mo kick ass flow in the cosmos Picasso with a pick axe a sick asshole She tac toe frozen six pack with exacto Knives, strangling wives with pig lasso Few bags of the the grass, zig zags, I'm with the doc so You know how that go, skull and the crossbones This is poison, the boys and girls who do not know You do not want to try this at home my novato (novice) This is neither the time or the place to get macho So crack a six pack, sit back with some nachos Maybe some popcorn, and watch the show and just rock slow It's not what you expected, tho what you thought though Bout time to you wake the fuck up smell the pot smoke It must be the ganja It's the marijuana What's screeping upon me while I'm so high Maybe it's the Hindi that has gotten in me Whatever's gotten into me I don't mind Your dreams are getting fulfilled, oh I'm literally getting the chills. Spitting at will, me and Dre have just finished splitting a pill You're submitting to skill, sitting still, I'm admitting, I'm beginning to feel Like I don't think anyone's real, Faced with a dilemma, I can be Dali Llama and become a bin gramma a step beyond a Jeffrey Dahmer Please don't ...
Eminem-must be the ganja

Eminem-must be the ganja

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